Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hills Recap.....Yawn

I must say, I was incredibly disappointed by The hills this week. Nothing happened.

I still have some observations.

1) Spencer sealed his player status when he was reading FP's favorite book "Killing Pablo". If you haven't read it you need to get on it. It was my inspiration in developing my own Cartel.

2) Why is Brody going on dates with Lauren when he has a "serious" girlfriend.

3) Lauren is back to looking good, she was very cute last night.

4) Poor Doug, nice house though.

The previews for next week were impressive so I am not giving up on The Hills by any means.


Kady said...

Every week when we watch Kirt can be heard to say, "Where do they get their money?!" This week it came when Lauren rolled up to Doug's crib. Seriously? Do you have a job? Also, I already told Anneli, but I threw up in my mouth a little when Spencer told Heidi - It's about time to go home, get in bed and cuddle. The thought made my skin crawl. Douche bag. Sorry Matt, you can take me off the social calender if you must but it had to be said.

Anneli said...

I know that douche bag is not the most lady like word in this world but honestly, that is the perfect word for him. If someone can find me a word that better describes him I will gladly use it. Stupid, annoying, pathetic, tool etc. all describe Spencer but douche bag wraps them all into one. I'm sorry too Matt but, he is a douche bag.