So with all of the trans fat which is being inserted into our food and the conspiracy of the fast food industry to make us fat what is one to do?
Who can really afford to drink calories nowadays?
Not to worry, there is a revolution going on often referred to as the Coke Zero revolution. This thirst quencher certainly has revolutionized my life. If you haven't had it you need to get to your supermarket and pick up a 12 pack, immediately. I would be willing to wager that if you took a blind taste test with coke zero and regular coke that you could not tell the difference.
I am currently averaging close to 50 ounces per day and I have lost 16 pounds. I was told that I am supposed to drink more water so I have increased my coke zero intake as the # 1 ingredient is....water.
The biggest fatality in this revolution has to be diet coke. I mean really, how could one in good conscious buy a diet coke at the supermarket when coke zero is sitting right next to it. It is truly nonsensical to buy a diet coke when the taste is far inferior to that of CZ. It would be like going to Sizzler and having them tell you that Ruth Chris is next door and they are selling steak for the same price and then choosing the Sizzler steak (speaking of Sizzler, is it really possible that it is the only sit down steakhouse I was taken to as a child until I reached the age of 19, and to think I had to get straight A's, no cavities and 270 hours of weeding to receive that!).
FP would also like to give props to Corner Bakery for putting coke zero in their fountains they are ahead of the game, but we need to be doing our part. When you eat out and they ask you what you want to drink you reply nonchalantly with Coke Zero as if it is normal. I have been doing this and have received responses ranging from a blank stare at Chilis to como? at McDonalds. I think if we have enough people reporting back to their managers about people requesting coke zero that we will soon have it in every restaurant.
P.S. If there are any coke executives out there reading this blog I will accept free product for my continued pimping of your delicious drinks.
I choose to go to Sizzler the day I entered the MTC. When given the choice to eat wherever I wanted in Utah County, I choose the nicest restaurant I had ever been too, thinking there wasn't anything better in the area. I will never forget the day our parents took us to Sizzler for helping in the garage sale. It was the least amount of work I had to put in to go eat there.
One great thing about the Sizzler in Pocatello is that everyone takes the fruit displays, above the salad bar, home with them. I saw a lady put a variety of whole fruits in her purse including multiple avocados.
Free Parking,
I need your parking tips indexed at the top of your blog for more efficient navigation. The forced Ctrl-F then typing burbank or dodgers to find the desired tip puts undue strain on the left pinky and I think might crimp your exponential growth in traffic to date.
Also, I was compelled to drop excessive caffeine consumption by cardiovascular issues, how can I find similar success with no-calorie no-caffeine drinks, what can you recommend.
We always appreciate comments and your idea for a free parking index is a great idea, our IT team is on it as we speak.
As for no caffeine drinks no calorie drinks: Diet Hawaiian Punch (tastes just like regular), Diet Dr. Pepper caffeine free, Crystal Light (very underrated) and Minute Maid Light Lemonade.
Hopefully this helps, as not everyone is cut out for the caffeine intake that I ingest on a daily basis.
Word on the street is that Seinfeld was a generous tipper. Shout out to Kirt the grill-master with a little help from Bobby Flay. Maybe you guys should've had a cookbook Sunday night?
So let me get this straight...its the fast food industry's fault that your fat. It has nothing to do bohemoth choleroic intake, nor the non-stop 2 am betos runs, but everything to do with the industry it self. We wont mention the lack of self control or the lack of exercise as reasons for the excess lb's on your torso. It is soley the fast food industry to blame
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