Monday, July 11, 2011

Bachelorette Recap: Water Heaters and Urine Lanterns

You d d d d d don't wa wa wa want to me me me meet my fa fa fa fa fa family. You have no i i i i, you have no i i i i i d i i de i i, I'm going to be a good father.

Ryan when are you going to learn that talking about your passions and what is important to you will never lead to true love. You need to talk about breaking down walls and connections and chemistry and the power of love, that is what makes people fall in love. Also FYI, I love hot showers, and I am not afraid to sit in that hot shower for 45 minutes if I feel like it, and my water heater better be ready and better keep pumping or I am going to be furious. I was personally relieved to find out that my water heater is working all day and is ready for me to take a hot shower on a whim.

Ames, you have come a long way since your days of running around Encino with Pauly Shore, congrats buddy.

I can't believe that Constantine stayed after that dog urinated all over his and Ashley's love. That was a sign if I've ever seen one.

I wasn't surprised to see Lucas go, how comfortable can Ashley be with a guy who just fell out of love with his last wife. I can see cheating or addiction but just falling out of love, red flag for me.

So it comes down to the Josh Grobans, JP and Encino Man. I don't think there has ever been a worse foursome in Bachelorette history. There aren't a lot of good options here, it sure is looking like JP, which sure makes me look really smart if you go back to my first Bachelorette recap. What can I say I am really in touch with my emotions and I can pick out true love when I see it.

P.S. Bremily, we are so shocked, that it didn't work out. No need to pretend, we knew it was over at after the final rose when he could hardly contain himself from backhanding you.

My suggestion to Emily:


Either would be a great choice for you.


Laura said...

jono, i must say this might be my all time favorite bachelorette recap. those first 3 paragraphs were the most hilarious thing i have heard all day. it was a for real lol moment.

Mark & Bek said...

I love reading these after watching the Bachelorette. We still always call them both Benstantine. I can't tell them apart anyway.

I really want Aimes to stay on though, because he is so funny to watch.

Cameron said...

Best. Recap. EVER. I am with Laura in this, that was a real out loud moment for me as well...especially at 5 am in the morning while I am in a fit of rage with my 3 year old. Impressive.