I LOVE MANNY! Finally a good move by stoNed Colletti.
Unfortunately the video cuts off his amazing catch/high five/double play, but if you want to see that go here....
In all seriousness for all his goofiness it is about time we got someone in here who can rake and he brings his gold glove with him.
I might be back to sitting in the pavilion cuz who knows what might go down with the Manny in left field.
My advice to Manny:
5. To Live and Die in L.A. its the place to be you gotta be there to know it, what everybody wanna see - Tupac.........enough said.
4. Dodgers is pronounced Doyers, that shouldn't be hard for you considering your Dominican heritage.
3. If you are going to sell your grill here instead of including an autographed baseball you should just include 5 pounds of carne asada...... http://www.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/al/redsox/2007-03-21-ramirez-grill_N.htm
2. Do the opposite of whatever Andruw Jones does.
1. If you don't want to pay for parking at doyer stadium I suggest Academy Street...it is the closest free parking to Left Field.
P.S. I have alreay sent an email to Dodger management about getting some sort of urinal installed near left field because last I checked there isn't a bathroom inside the wall, and trust me I of all people know how hard it can be to hold it.
MBM......Manny Being Manny.
Sounds like we can make some cash on tshirts Jono?
i'm with you 100%. now we can finally beat those $%*#@ diamondbacks, win this division and then we'll see about the cub & brewers...
we might have to wait a while to drop andrUw to get anything good for his worthless a5$....
i need to pass on f. football info to you...
First off, you'll never come close to taking on my Brewers. Second, jono why are you working as an attorney...lets take this show one the road...i'm thinking we start small at some of the local comedy clubs, then you know after 2-5 shows they'll see what a hit you are and you can be replacing leno instead of o'brien. Dont worry i'll represent you. love the blog
-ben oates
Jono, are you actually working and don't have time for blogging? We're all waiting for your next solid post. BTW- looks like the Dodgers did alright with the Brewers last night.
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